Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dear K,

Today I gave you BLISS!

February 14, 2012= The very BEST Valentine's Day I have EVER had! I have a husband who I adore so much more than any words can express. He is handsome and thoughtful and so loving.
He called me on his break, just to hear my voice :) 
He brought home take out from Chili's (which we love)
because he wanted to avoid the hustle and bustle of going out and cozy up with me and a flick :)
He brought me home flowers that were BEAUTIFUL to say the least :) 
He hugged and kissed me all night long :) 
He made me feel like a million dollars :) 
He relived our wedding day with me by putting in our wedding video 
and putting up with my teary eyes :)
The feeling I get when I'm with him is greater than any other feeling I get. And the very best part is that it isn't just on special days like Valentine's that I feel it...it's every single day. Every moment I get to spend with him is better than the moment before. He's magical and doesn't even know it. I am truly blessed and in love. In deep, real, passionate, sweet, sublime love.
I think I'll smile some more now. :) 
Thank you Lane.

Savor this,